What I learned from James Cameron’s TED speech

There is a lot to learn from James Cameron’s speech at TED but the importance of creating a reality really caught my attention.

In the wake of the re-release of Terminator 2 – Judgment Day, one of my favourite TED presentations came to my mind. It was delivered by James Cameron, the director of the movie but this occasion, he went way past beyond the borders of the movie industry and talked about imagination and leadership in general.

Although I do not like all of his films, I have always admired how James Cameron has managed to tell contemporary stories in science fiction environments that always resonated to our current world; let it be the dehumanization of the technical society or the latest ecological issues. For some reason, Titanic has always looked to me as an exception in his curriculum but this could not be far from truth.

Creating a reality

is a very strong point for me in this speech and a statement that I find very important to embrace, especially from someone who has demonstrated over his entire career that creating a reality is in fact possible. At first, this may sound obvious but it takes courage to dare to imagine and then stand by our ideas but in a world characterized by the lack of magic, this may be the only way forward.