WTCC Race of Hungary - Photo by Balázs Csizik

A crowdsourced video map of the Michelisz festival

Fans take the initiative and share trackside experiences on YouTube.

Last weekend was not only remarkable for the unprecedented atmosphere at the Hungaroring but also because it was confirmed that Norbert Michelisz is enjoying a level of support from his fan base that no-one has experienced before in Hungary.

Michelisz was cheered by not a few dozens of people but tens of thousands of fans in various places of the circuit. This way, it became possible to create the following video map.

A few years ago, the only place where one could have imagined something like that was the UK (last year I could already engage in a Twitter conversation with the fans around the track) and it is great to see that the Hungarian crowd is catching up so quickly in terms of 3rd party content generation.